A few tips and tricks from your Run Club+® Coach!
Running is just running, right? It’s so much more. When I first got back into running 6 years ago, I thought it would be the easiest way to reintroduce fitness into my life. All you do is run, so how hard could it be? It didn’t take me long to realize that it’s so much more than that. It has taken me a few years of trial and error and injuries to gain the knowledge and insight it takes to be successful, and I am here to let you in on a few secrets I have learned along the way!
Number 1 - Proper gear.
I am a big believer in proper gear = success. Go out to your local running store (Gold Country Run & Sport is right here in Rocklin!) and get properly fitted for shoes. You will not regret it. I remember setting off for that very first run when I decided to hit the pavement. I was geared up in some no name tennis shoes I had for literally 10+ years. I figured they were fine because they weren’t falling apart. WRONG! My shoes attributed to some horrendous shin splints. Which, after a lot of healing and rehab, led me to splurge and purchase my first pair of Asics. What a game changer that was! Now I find comfort in Brooks, specifically the Ghost’s, and I never run more than 300 miles in a pair. That shoe has kept me going through 2 marathons, and countless 5k’s, 10k’s and ½ marathons. Finding the proper shoe for YOU will help prevent injuries. Find your shoe, mama, she will be your best friend!
Number 2 - Strength training is key.
Running uses basically every muscle in your body, and if you want that body to perform well, it needs to be strong. Strength training should always be paired with any type of running program as a way to help prevent injury by strengthening your muscles and connective tissues. And it doesn’t just apply to your lower body. Your legs may be your powerhouse, but your core is your stabilizer. Most people think that their core is made up of just their abdominals, but in reality, it is everything from your shoulders to your legs. Adding in 1 -2 strength training sessions to your running program (which we do in Run Club+® 😉, plus you can check out our Body Ignite class!) will help set you up for success!
Number 3 - Fuel, fuel and fuel some more!
Carbs are your friend. Your best friend. Don’t let anyone tell you any different. That and protein for recovery. I love marathon training so much for many reasons, but one of the top ones is definitely potatoes and bagels. Fueling properly before and after any workout is important, especially when it comes to endurance sports. And don’t forget about hydration! So. Much. Water. Never a bad thing 😉 It takes some time and trial and error to learn what works for you and your body, so be patient with the process. Some things that work for me: sweet potatoes, bagels, pasta, & toast with nut butter. Things that do not work for me: oatmeal, apple sauce, & cereals. You will get to learn more about nutrition for training in our Run Club+® program!
Number 4 - Go slow to go fast
Wait, what? It’s true. When they say 80% of your miles should be at an easy pace, they are not messing around. Last year I PR’d (PR = personal record) my half marathon (1:40), and all of my long runs leading up to that race were done at a 3 – 4 minute slower pace than my race pace. So, I am here to tell you (and I definitely have needed, and still need to be told) let go of the ego and enjoy the miles. You need to go slow to build endurance, and sprinkle in the speedwork (Strides 360, anyone?) to get the times you hope for!
Now that I have shared some of my tips, it’s time for YOU to lace up and join me! Our Run Club+® running program starts February 18th. It doesn’t matter if you run regularly, on occasion, haven’t ever or it's been years, we have the training plan for you. Don’t wait, Mama! That finish line is just ahead 😊